I love how God's word is full of inspiration and encouragement. I pray this inspires you, let it remind you that the living God wants to guide you today.
Let's break this down ,
(1)You guide me with your counsel...
I love the fact that I can go to my Heavenly Father anytime and consult with Him. It is in that "consultation" that I am receiving from Him and being guided by His Wisdom and not my own.
After all, He is the one with all knowledge , so who better to consult with than Him?
It is when I am in communion with Him and doing what His word directs me to do by:
Asking, Seeking and Knocking that He leads me.
The word leading means to go with one by holding them by the hand, while moving forward.
Think about that for a moment, there is not one place our feet will step that He isn't with us. I know that if He is leading I am going to get to where I need to be, and ultimately it is going to be for my good and a very desirable destination! The truth is, we can not see what is around the bend on the road we are walking, but we can have complete faith and trust that God knows what is around the bend. He is literally going with us, holding our hand, rest assured that He knows the way. Let Him guide you.

God is all about forward motion, moving us into our destiny. What that journey looks like for each person is different. Sometimes our journey is joyful and there are also times in our journey that are less desirable to us. However, if we choose to trust Him in the journey we can be sure He is working everything together for our good, even in the less desirable moments of our life, God will not allow anything to go to waste in our life.
The word with us means we are accompanied by Him.
Think of it like this: If you are walking with someone you are accompanying them and moving in the same direction. you can not walk with someone and go in opposite directions.
Our lives need to be moving forward in the same direction He is going.
Proverbs 5:21 - Mark well that God doesn’t miss a move you make; he’s aware of every step you take.
in the footnote of the NIV Bible for this verse it shares how we must have God's revealed Word and his Holy Spirit in order to complete our life's journey.
(3)Whom have I in heaven but you...
Our hope, our treasure and life is God himself. There is nothing that compares to Him and there is no one like him. When we stand face to face with him there will be no comparison.
I have heard it said that God gives us glimpses of heaven, and when He does, it always makes my desire run even deeper, it inspires me to endure and to love him and serve him with everything I can, because what awaits those who are in Christ Jesus is beyond anything we have ever seen or heard.
(4) I desire you more than anything on Earth.
I can see a huge smile coming across God's face when we say this to the Lord:
" I desire you, crave you, yearn for you and my complete longing is in you.
This should encourage us to have a desperation for the Living God like never before.
This word desire isn't referring to human wants but a holy desire. It is referring to a positive desire, it is a persons earnest seeking, the "drawing near" to God that He responds to,....
In other words, He shows us a favorable reaction to our drawing near.
The Good news is that it is possible to have close fellowship with Him, this is His desire for us and it should be our desire as well.
I encourage you to keep a journal of how you experience God's response to your drawing near, His responses are priceless, those moments are like nothing else as He shares His heart with His beloved. These are God encounter moments that deserve to be recorded. It is always nice to be able to go back and read how He met with us, it will serve as encouragement in times of need and can be a faith builder when we need reminded.

Here are some important questions we need to ask ourselves:
Is He leading?
Am I earnestly seeking Him?
Is He my greatest desire?
Shine Like the Dawn,