Hebrews 12: Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
As I was driving my car the other day coming back from lunch with a friend I passed a homeless person walking on the sidewalk next to the road, I immediately noticed his oversized, over the shoulder duffle bag that was packed full to capacity,on top of that, he had a folded up tarp of somesort which i am sure he used to help protect him from the weather,he also had a big bulky blanket that he had folded up as well. All of this stuff he had stacked so neatly and obviously there was a specific order to it, he knew how to "make it all fit", These were his belongings.It surprised me that I noticed all of this since I was driving past him rather quickly. But as I drove passed him I just had to see if I could see his face, so I quickly looked back. He was a gray haired man with a bushy beard. Immediately a thought came to my mind and I said to my friend " I wonder how many of us look like that spiritually,walking around with baggage like that", no, we do not necessarily carry this around in the physical for everyone to see,however after time it does take its toll on our physical bodies. But what about in the spiritual sense? Seeing this man with all this baggage made me take an inventory of myself, and so, I did. But this also inspired me for todays blog. Where do you stand right now? Is there any baggage your carrying? We as humans are so good at "making things fit".
I am reminded of packing my suitcase for a trip and knowing it was going to be hard to get it to zip up all the way around, but I was determined to "make it fit!" I find i usually over pack and never use all the items anyway. I am now trying to do better.
Today we have so many different fashions available for us to carry stuff, but no matter if we sport a Louie or a Samsonite lets face it baggage gets pretty heavy,and we all eventually get tired of lugging it around, no matter how we try to pack it up and make it look pretty. We get tired of carrying it on one shoulder so we switch to the other. Some of us may think we have our baggage all under control because ours never really seems to get in the way to much because we have our baggage on "Rollers"! This kind you can set next to you and have your hands free when needed, however you always need to grab a hold of it and pull it with you when you go from one spot to another,Still stuck with it. We sure have a wide variety of baggage or luggage to choose from today. How about the backpack?... this one works great until you need to sit down and then your back and shoulders bug you from the weight.Men are not exempt either, today we have "Man Purses", They even have those cargo pants with tons of pockets in them,oh and what about "fanny packs", I definately do not want any extra baggage around that paticular area! No matter how we choose to carry "our stuff" the point of the matter is it is still "ours", and eventually it will become a hindrance.
As I am writing this, I invision a woman neatly dressed, a woman who looks like she has it all together and ready for the world, she is getting ready to walk thru a door, but due to all her "baggage" she can't manuver thru the door. in order for her to get thru she lets go of everything that is keeping her back and keeping her from getting to her destination.
With that being said, you have a destination you need to get to, a God given plan and purpose that is of the utmost importance. Is there any baggage that is keeping you from going thru that door? What is holding you back? I am reminded of the scripture in Hebrews 12 that says: "let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that ensnares us", the Amplified Bible even goes so far as to say "let us strip off and throw aside every unnecessary weight" God wants our hands to be free of holding onto unnecessary "things" so they can be ready for service, His service. Don't be slowed down with unnecessary baggage. I encourage you with a new year close ahead of us take a personal inventory and if need be apply Hebrews 12 into your life.
Shine Like The Dawn,
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