While I was leading Worship Wednesday night with our Student Ministries Worship Team, we were singing a song entitled Came To My Rescue and the bridge of the song goes like this:
In my life be lifted high
In our world be lifted high
In our love be lifted high
As we paused after this song the Lord gave me a question to ask the students. The question was this, "What will it take for me to be lifted high in your life....., in your world,... in your love,... what will it take?
It was silent... you could hear a pin drop. Each student had their own answer to that question, which they kept to themselves. I went on to share that Jesus loved without reservation, he loves when he isn't loved back. If your not sure how to love watch how He did it, read about it and learn from Him.
John 15 :13 says :There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friend.
John 15:13 in the Message Bible says it this way: >"I've told you these things for a purpose; that my joy might be your joy,and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: LOVE one another the way I LOVE you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do these things I command you. I am no longer calling you sevants because servants do not understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I have name you friends because I have let you in on everything I've heard from the Father."
God's word commands us to love, it is not an option. And yet so many Christians today live like it is.I am so thankful that Jesus didn't live His life like that, that He didn't go around loving like it was an option. Jesus Loved on Purpose, and that is how we should love, LOVE ON PURPOSE! Everything Jesus did was on purpose, everywhere He went was on purpose, He healed on purpose and He performed the miraculous on purpose! Everywhere Jesus went, there was His mission field!
We can love because He first loved us (1John 4:19)

The truth is we can not truly love apart from God, We can find no greater love than the love of Jesus. He laid his life down, He had nails in his hands and his feet, He died and he rose again. All because of His love for us! (I think that is totally amazing!)
I am encouraged today and I hope you are as well, to love like He did, so He can be lifted High in our life, in our world, and in our love.
Shine Like the Dawn,
1 comment:
Awesome! I am so thankful Jesus loved me enough to look down the road 2000 years and see me call out to Him, needing a savior!
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