On Mother's Day I was honored to share a message with the congregation at my home church. The Lord laid on my heart that there are those in our congregation that are in a state of expectancy.
How about you? I wonder how many of you are expecting,not necessarily in the physical sense of "being pregnant and expecting" but expecting God's plans and purposes being fulfilled. What are you expecting?
Just as there are different trimesters in pregnancy, We are all at different stages in our expectancy as well. Some are just at the early stages of conception...this time is very important and what happens here can be crucial to the development of what is to come. God wants to birth ministry out of you, destiny and purpose.
Some may be in the "middle stages", this is your waiting time , your meantime, also known as your meanwhile. Webster's Dictionary says the definition for this is know as "intervening time" ...WOW!when I read this, I was excited and thought it to be very interesting.This is the time where God is doing something, He is intervening, working miracles! Have you ever heard someone say " I am waiting on God"? I have, and some make it sound as if there is nothing they can do but just sit and wait.If you are at a waiting point in your life let me encourage you to be careful not to get in a rut of thinking there's nothing you can do because you are "waiting". This time should never be passive. During this time it is important that you DO SOMETHING! Be proactive in your waiting time, get yourself ready! Body, mind and spirit.
Seek God...,
and Grow. And when your "fullness of time" is complete you are going to be amazed at what God is going to bring forth from you!Remember it is in the meantime, in your waiting time... that "intervening" time when miracles are birthed!
For others, you are in transition. Ask any woman who has been through labor and she will tell you, This is the hardest part of labor,this is where it gets down to the nitty gritty, but it is essential, it is necessary in the birthing process. Yes it's hard, yes it's painful, but you can't give up now, or turn back. You can't leave what God has deposited inside of you, it needs to come forth. I heard one of my friends say during her labor "I can't do this anymore!" and some of you may feel that way right now during your transition time. God's word says in Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Be encouraged, This transition time doesn't last forever, (though at the moment, it may feel like it is)Soon the pain will be over, and the reward of all of it will be in your arms. This is where we need to be honest with God and say "here I am"... with all my hopes and fears. I don't know all the details,all I know is I AM EXPECTING!!! This leads us to a place of surrender, a place of trust. Just as a mother surrenders by laying down to give birth, and through this it gives way to a new life. God wants us to be in a place of complete surrender as well. Get ready because the baby is coming! God wants to establish you, cause you to grow and bring into existence what He has placed inside you .
Shine Like the Dawn,
How about you? I wonder how many of you are expecting,not necessarily in the physical sense of "being pregnant and expecting" but expecting God's plans and purposes being fulfilled. What are you expecting?
Just as there are different trimesters in pregnancy, We are all at different stages in our expectancy as well. Some are just at the early stages of conception...this time is very important and what happens here can be crucial to the development of what is to come. God wants to birth ministry out of you, destiny and purpose.
Some may be in the "middle stages", this is your waiting time , your meantime, also known as your meanwhile. Webster's Dictionary says the definition for this is know as "intervening time" ...WOW!when I read this, I was excited and thought it to be very interesting.This is the time where God is doing something, He is intervening, working miracles! Have you ever heard someone say " I am waiting on God"? I have, and some make it sound as if there is nothing they can do but just sit and wait.If you are at a waiting point in your life let me encourage you to be careful not to get in a rut of thinking there's nothing you can do because you are "waiting". This time should never be passive. During this time it is important that you DO SOMETHING! Be proactive in your waiting time, get yourself ready! Body, mind and spirit.
Seek God...,
and Grow. And when your "fullness of time" is complete you are going to be amazed at what God is going to bring forth from you!Remember it is in the meantime, in your waiting time... that "intervening" time when miracles are birthed!
For others, you are in transition. Ask any woman who has been through labor and she will tell you, This is the hardest part of labor,this is where it gets down to the nitty gritty, but it is essential, it is necessary in the birthing process. Yes it's hard, yes it's painful, but you can't give up now, or turn back. You can't leave what God has deposited inside of you, it needs to come forth. I heard one of my friends say during her labor "I can't do this anymore!" and some of you may feel that way right now during your transition time. God's word says in Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Be encouraged, This transition time doesn't last forever, (though at the moment, it may feel like it is)Soon the pain will be over, and the reward of all of it will be in your arms. This is where we need to be honest with God and say "here I am"... with all my hopes and fears. I don't know all the details,all I know is I AM EXPECTING!!! This leads us to a place of surrender, a place of trust. Just as a mother surrenders by laying down to give birth, and through this it gives way to a new life. God wants us to be in a place of complete surrender as well. Get ready because the baby is coming! God wants to establish you, cause you to grow and bring into existence what He has placed inside you .
Shine Like the Dawn,
This was so true to what is happening in my life right now!!! I so needed to hear this thank you for being faithful and writing what God has given you. I will b e moving to LA soon and I know that God has bigger plans for me than even I have for myself, every time I pray the Prayer of Jabez He does great things in my life. I love you Jennifer and know God is also working big things into your life. Again thank you for being obedient to His voice! Love, Marion
Love this!!! I think we should always be in a state of expectancy....God is up to something all the time!! :)
Great job...I always love your blogs!
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